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- The Kopywriting Formula: Neville Medhora on AI, AIDA, and Beyond
The Kopywriting Formula: Neville Medhora on AI, AIDA, and Beyond
Neville is the Owner of Kopy Group. He’s a copywriter and creator of the Copywriting Course & the Swipe File; and an advisor to companies like AppSumo and TheHustle, helping them refine their message.
Welcome to our edition #19 of "Uploading" Podcast, where we go behind the scenes with creators to learn about content strategy, creation, production, distribution, growth, platforms, tools, and more.
Each week, we'll shoot over 2 valuable ideas and 1 key learning from our weekly podcast that might just change the way you see your content game.
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Your Uploading co-hosts
Blaine Bolus & Ramon Berrios
This week, we’re joined by Neville Medhora, a writer who’s been on the internet for a long time. And if you’re a copywriter, there’s a high likelihood you’ve heard of him.
But if you haven’t, he’s the owner of the Kopy Group, the creator behind SwipeFile.com & CopywritingCourse.com, and a content strategy advisor to companies like AppSumo and TheHustle.com.
As of late, he’s also been working on developing Copy AI for the past 5 years.
Join us as we discuss:
Why B2B and B2C marketing aren’t as different as you think.
How to save time when creating ads for your products.
How AI can help you save time and money while growing at the same time.
Idea #1: Writing B2B & B2C are Virtually Identical.
Neville’s work started with House Of Rave, a B2C brand selling LED products of all kinds to party-goers and planners. At some point, he worked with AppSumo’s email marketing strategy; and he realized that the process of writing the emails isn’t all that different.
Mainly because at the end of the day, you’re not selling to a corporate entity; you’re selling to an individual. Someone who eats, sleeps, and drinks the same way you do.
Someone who makes decisions based on their necessities or desires. As such, you need to figure out what makes the possible client tick. Why would they buy your product? Do they want a tool for pleasure or do they want something that fulfills a need?
You could try to sell a pen to someone, but if everyone you’re selling to already has a pen; then you’ll have a hard time selling it.
On the other hand, if you understand that those you’re reaching out to want a pen that writes smoothly on a specific type of paper; and you know your pen does, you’ll have a much easier time selling it to them using this proposition.
Idea #2: Using AI as a tool to help you grow.
Neville’s been working on an idea for a while trying to figure out how to use AI most effectively.
He’s boiled it down to three distinct levels where AI is most to least useful:
Low-level Writing: Repeatable pieces of text, like confirmation emails, or other sorts of templates that anyone can do. AI is great for these sorts of things.
Mid-level Writing: This is where Castmagic shines. The level of text where AI can act as a companion in creating a first draft, giving headline ideas, creating timestamps for videos, etc. The use-case here is to save time getting from 0-1 so that the person working can take it from there.
High-level Writing: This is the point where AI is arguably not that useful anymore, and it has a difficult time trying to do it. It’s level for C-Suite people with access to everything in their company writing little snippets, taking all of their human experience and combining it into this thing of 280 characters max.
Keeping this in mind, you can offload some tasks to ChatGPT, send others through Castmagic with the media context it has, and then do some others by learning it yourself. And that’s how you can hope to grow to an extremely high level.
Key Learning: The best 0 - 1 advertising framework.
One of the longest-standing, best-working copywriting & advertising methods is the AIDA framework. If you haven’t heard of it, it stands for:
Attention- This is your hook, where you grab people’s attention.
Interest- This is the main benefit or differentiator of your product.
Desire- These are extra benefits and features of the product that will make people want to buy your product.
Action- Finally, the action is your CTA, what you want people to do.
Using this framework you make a psychologically sound way of advertising a product while saving time. And obviously, you don’t always need to start from the beginning, Neville gave us an example where he’s going all over the place, starting with the action.
Attention: “There's a famous artist out of San Diego that makes these mugs out of porcelain. Each one takes like 8 hours to make. It's a collector's piece with about 1000 collectors in the world that collect these types of mugs.”
Interest: “These mugs are made by an artist named Michael Bottero; he spends hours on each”
Desire: “If you want to collect this ultra-rare collector pot, sometimes these mugs go for $100. Sometimes they go for $1,000. But you can get it for $200. They’re all made from the highest quality porcelain, etc…”
Action: “Go to DrippyPots.com and buy this mug for only $200.”
Now, of course, the pitch isn’t perfect, but it’s not a real product, and Neville was able to make it up on the spot using his experience with the framework. On top of that, it’s meant to be a starting point to weave a proper argument to move forward.
And it’s not just useful in advertising and business negotiations. It’s helpful in almost any aspect of your life. From getting your kids to make the bed in the morning, to even getting people to join a D&D group.
Want to write content like this?
If you haven’t already, try Castmagic free and start using your long-form audio & media context to draft everything from newsletters, to blogs, to social posts and more — in your own voice & style.
We're excited to be part of your journey to turn content into business.
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Until next week, keep uploading…