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  • πŸͺ„AI Tools of the Week: Effortless editing, seamless research, and James Cameron's thoughts on AI.

πŸͺ„AI Tools of the Week: Effortless editing, seamless research, and James Cameron's thoughts on AI.

Ever shot a video with lots of interruptions only to spend hours editing them out? Or researched and ended up with too many open tabs? Discover these top AI tools to simplify your tasks today

Your weekly Top 3 AI Tools, News and Resources brought to you by the Castmagic team.

Have you ever felt like video editing is a tedious chore or research is just too scattered? What if we told you there's a smarter way to do things?

Dive into this week's roundup of AI tools and news that are reshaping the way we work and play. Plus, get a peek into what James Cameron and some tech giants are up to in the AI realm.

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Ummms and pauses in your videos? This AI Tool edits them out automatically.

Upload a video and Gling streamlines editing by automatically removing ums, pauses and other unwanted content in seconds, available in 9 languages.

Jumping between apps and tabs to do your research? Glasp makes it seamless.

Glasp is the all-in-one web highlighter. It lets you highlight, organize, and share key learnings without ever leaving your page.

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Dubbing videos a drag? This AI's got your back.

Meet your new video editor buddy - Rask AI. It uses text-to-voice and cloning to dub and translate videos seamlessly.

In this YouTube video, James Cameron delves into the world of AI, discussing its impact on his work, his feelings towards its advancements, its current role in Hollywood, and much more.

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ X’s privacy policy confirms it will use public data to train AI models.
X updated privacy policy to use collected user data and public info for training AI models, likely for Elon Musk's separate xAI company (link)

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ AI Bots Build Entire Software Company in 7 Minutes for $1...
ChatGPT AI bots built software company ChatDev in just 7 minutes for $1 per project. Handled full development process from design to release, showing automation potential (link)

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ Apple's Secret AI More Powerful Than ChatGPT...Should We Be Afraid? Apple spends millions daily on advanced AI like chatbot Ajax, deemed more powerful than ChatGPT. Multiple internal teams expand language, image, and more models (link)

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ ChatGPT uses water…a lot of it.
Microsoft's water use spikes over 30% in 2022, much tied to powering AI like ChatGPT. Estimated 500 mL of water consumed per ChatGPT query, prompting environmental concerns over resource usage (link)

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ Amazon Publishers Now Required to disclose AI Generated Content.
Amazon now requires disclosing if Kindle Direct books are AI-generated, addressing complaints about fake human authors. But authors demand same for all Amazon books, plus visible labels to easily filter content (link)

We're excited to be part of your AI journey, helping you unlock the potential of the tools available today.

Together, let's redefine how we get things done.

Have thoughts or ideas? We're all ears!

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Until next week, keep creating and innovating.